Release Notes

1.13.1 - Unreleased


Campaign ajourhold: View, create and edit campaigns

You can now filter orders by product

Orders that have product reservations are now shown in product info dialog

Long-pressing an order in the Parked/Settled/Handlings/Purchase/Internal Purchase/RMA order lists now copies the order number

More text elements in Parked and Settled order views can now be selected or copied, with some supporting long-press to copy

Price-list ajourhold: View, create and edit price-lists


[workspace] Update upload artifact action to v4

Create delivery dialog did allow continue button to be pressed even when no items were selected

Scanning products in sale touch mode could in addition to add the product, also search for it on the left side

Opening order from order handling (klikk&collect etc.) did not work if order was created in another store

Order handling open dialog failed to show items with warehouse on another store than order

allowCashback on the payment method was not taken into account when paying with giftcard/storecredit


Keyboard mode now uses same product info dialog as touch mode

cmd/ctrl+i now opens product insurance dialog instead of product info dialog

1.13.0 - 2025-1-28


Order state is added to the delivery search filter, with default parked and complete

Order state is shown in the info on an open delivery


When logging in and touch mode was enabled, the user would not enter the sale page directly as it was before

Could not escape customer edit dialog when opened from an open order

Dialog with question to set updated customer address as delivery address when order has deliveries did not open in keyboard mode

Using the shortcut to edit discount on an order line in an open sale would also open up the sale stats date range selection dialog

Changing warehouse on a delivery when in an open sale did not update the warehouse on all of the individual order items included in the delivery

Using external payment methods without any parameters did not allow you to enter an amount

Open, update and payment of orders created in another store did not work


Disable filter that only shows deliveries of paid orders in deliveries search as default, must now be enabled to only see paid order deliveries

Do not show irrelevant order item shortcuts in keyboard mode (like delivery options for products that are not deliverable)

It is now also allowed to edit status for an delivery when the order state is parked

1.12.0 - 2025-1-20


You can now credit on an order line multiple times if credited quantity is less than total quantity

Search for menu item in main menu

Add/edit note on a settled order and view note on order items

Add/edit order-note inside order delivery dialog

View order item note inside order delivery dialog

Filter for only showing paid orders in deliveries search, default on

When changing/updating the customer on an order and the order has at least one delivery, you will now be asked if you also want to update the delivery address of the deliveries

Order reservation type warehouse, purchase request or existing purchase order


In keyboard sale, new, parked and settled is now opened in a dialog

In keyboard sale, offers is moved under parked orders as a filter option

Order search filter now has individual date filter for created at and settled at

Show all deliveries across all stores as default initial filter in delivery search instead of only showing for the current day and the user's store

In deliveries search and inside of the delivery dialog, you will now see what warehouse the delivery should be delivered from and its associated store instead of seeing the store in which the delivery was created from

Shortcut combination to show details (NO: "Vis detaljer") in sale must now be held in to see cost/margins. Changed combination from CMD/CTRL (macOS/Windows) + B to CMD/CTRL (macOS/Windows) + D

Added the states New and Started for a delivery (New will take over for Not delivered in a later release)

You can now edit and print a delivery as long as it's not delivered


Was possible to add product with commission to a purchase order with a different supplier

Main menu did not open correcly when opened from within a sub menu page

When deleting the first item in a purchase order, the items was not being updated

Was not possible to withdraw stock of serialnumber-controlled products

Fill in all in purchase order receivement serial number check was incorrect

Adding more than 999 in quantity of a product on a purchase order did not work and would instead try to add 0 quantity resulting in an error

Pressing Enter in order search with empty search query would open up an order

External delivery reference appeared to not be saved when creating/updating a delivery on an open sale

Create RMA from purchase order used incorrect prices of products

When Editing customer from an open Sale, the updates where not shown in the customer section

Was not possible to change a delivery back from in transit

1.11.1 - 2024-12-20


Allow editing of unit price and cost price when receiving purchase order items


Quantity to receive was automatically set to quantity remaining in receivement

1.11.0 - 2024-12-18


Fill in all in purchase order receivement now also handles items with serial numbers

Product search filter

Create purchase order in foreign currency

Show more details about Dintero settlement when settlement is in progress


When asked to update the order address of open order after editing the customer's info, the customer contact would always be removed from the order

History count in purchase order receivement item table could show incorrect count for items with serial number

When you delivered multiple order lines at the same time but some failed to be delivered, the view did not show the updated order lines

When you pressed ENTER in "quantity to credit" cell in order credit dialog, the focus would jump 2 rows down instead of jumping to the next

When receiving a purchase order, the cost price was set incorrectly


You can no longer edit the cost price of products in receivement of a purchase order. This is temporarily as we are working to make this more user friendly

1.10.0 - 2024-12-10



When opening an already open order, the dialog now shows which till the order is open on

The user will be informed about restrictions, when adding product to an order

Login view now displays uploaded background image

B2B Customer payment terms and internal note

Parked order preview view

Contribution margin toggle in parked order preview and settled order view

Dialog for giftcard and store credit details now has a button to copy the card number to clipboard


For Windows it is now installed so all users can use the app

For Windows you can now only run one instance of the app

Notifier banner is now bottom center aligned

Make it clear that product without stock will only be reserved if added to the order

Improved "Sold, not delivered" page with filter

Improved order delivery


Shortcut for Fill in all, did not work in purchase order receive dialog

Send and print giftcard in payment success viewis no longer shown when the giftcard was returned

Dialog for giftcard and store credit details, had giftcard in title and texts also when a store credit card

1.9.0 - 2024-11-25


Button on table header in a purchase order to change the sorting of items. Date added (default), Product name, Product SKU and Quantity ordered

Ability to remove a product from a purchase order when its in receivement (if no quantity has been received)

Archive a purchase order

Product accessories and insurances information

Flowrex login animation

Ability to change onboarding if app fails to connect to server

Pressing ESC in touch mode sale, will now open app main menu

Pressing ESC when in a section, will go to sale if touch mode is active

Currency ajourhold on a supplier and polishing of supplier create/update dialog

Notification will be shown to the user whenever the app loses internet connection

Products without allowPurchase, cannot be added to a purchase order

Option to return gift cards

Quantity +/buttons on order lines in touch mode


Enter with numpad did not work in table cells when on macOS or iOS

RMA stock withdrawal did not show up as a transaction type in warehouse history report

Would sometimes be stuck with an settled order that you had to clear by restarting the client

When sending email, you could not use arrow keys to navigate inside the email body field

When creating a RMA order from a purchase order, the logic for adding the quantities of products specified was not working as expected

When listing warehouses in dropdowns, you would not be able to select warehouses owned by other stores even though your store had access to it

Stock info where not shown when scanning products to a purchase order

If stock warning was enabled, scanning product in sale touch mode did show missing stock warning even if the product was in stock if


Improved onboarding selection with less padding on items and added search

When sending RMA order to email, the subject field now gets pre-populated with the RMA order reason

Reset device dialog did not have destructive primary button (red)

When the application is not connected to the internet, any action that performs a HTTP request will not be executed and instead notify the user

View how many of the product are in stock when selecting warehouse in stock withdrawal

Use purchase price on product if no supplier products exists when adding a product to a purchase order

1.8.0 - 2024-11-11


Create and edit B2B customers when B2B extension is active

Set valid until date for exchange note print

Product info about created and last modified date

Create return to supplier orders (RMA)

Filter in order search to only show orders with unpaid invoice


When order is settled with invoice, it will now show more clearly that its infact an invoice and not a normal sale

Removed "Messages from terminal" title in payment progress view


When receiving an item, the cost price did not account for the supplier discount

Orders which was created by a user without display name, caused order lists to fail

Wrong validation error text when inputting store credit number that was not found

Order list would sometimes crash if an order was created by a user with a badly formatted display name

When trying to log in to a different onboarding or creating a new when not already logged into one (from login screen), it would fail

In settled order search view, voucher number could appear on two lines

In payment dialog, none required parameters was still required

1.7.0 - 2024-10-30


Filter orders by seller

Customer order history filter

Send offer to email in an open offer

Send order to email in an open order

Change expiration date in an open offer

Show valid until date on offer and order

Onboard to multiple tenants/stores (Beta)

Customer ledger number

Customer contact in keyboard sale

Customer contact in order lists

Serialnumbers in purchase order receivement history dialog

Serialnumbers in Warehouse history report

Store name and till number on login page


Improve order search list UI

You can now use arrow keys and tab key to navigate in till counting helper dialog

Auto logout timer will now be reset when moving pointer or scrolling with mouse/trackpad

Moved email in receivement dialog to bottom part

Searchfield for customer and product in keyboard mode is updated


Device could loose onboarding in special cases

When adding a customer to an order with invoice as payment method, it was not possible to continue if the customer's address was invalid

Pressing enter in purchase order freight cost input did not submit the amount

Move next focus to continue button when submitting quantity received of last item in purchase order

Print label with size 40x27 did not work

Close dialog when selecting order in order search dialog

Foreign cash payment not working correct

When adding multiple items at once which requires serial number and contact in keyboard sale you lost focus when adding customer

When setting a package price discount on order items with other than 1 in quantity, the resulting discount would be incorrect

Not possible to reserve or deliver order items to address with product type no stock

Payment summary box in open sale keyboard mode had transparent background so if many items they appeared behind

Receivement history dialog showed incorrect numbers when items with serial numbers

During onboarding, if the device was not able to connect to the server. It was not possible to go back

1.6.2 - 2024-10-7


Missing, Need library access for iOS description

1.6.1 - 2024-10-4


App would crash in touch mode

1.6.0 - 2024-10-4


Warning placeholder icon for network images which fails to load

Ability to set a total package price for multiple order items in discount dialog

Option to send purchase order to email in "more"-button that is always available on any purchase order

Option to send receivement to email along with additional attachments after receiving products was successful

Label print for products now has support for size 36x20, 40x27 and 40x50


In Sold, not delivered, entering the same serial number which already was in the order where stopped, despite the other order item where in minus

Already open orders could be opened again from parked orders list

Order handling order item had an hardcodec 'Hei' text

Card payment methods with visibility listed, skipped the amount input


Added filter button in parked and settled orders. Can now see and open orders that have status OPEN

Logout keyboard shortcut does not longer ask you to confirm

Quick sale categories and products are now shown with grid layout

1.5.0 - 2024-9-26


When adding a product with price 0, the set price dialog will be opened

New shortcut CMD+SHIFT+L (macOS) CTRL+SHIFT+L (windows) which can be triggered anywhere and opens up dialog with option to log out the user

View and register payments on an invoice in settled order dialog if user has store access role ADMIN or BACKOFFICE

Warning chip on edit serial number dialog if order item is reserved


Return options dialog did not close after selecting "Create empty return"

Could not select variant product when selecting the mother product in warehouse stock history

Product search with capital letters would fail

Did not always show the correct price on a product in search results

Pressing enter from payment amount field when cash did not move focus to Next button

A failed create settlement could cause that close payment dialog is not possible

Entering a valid modulus 10 number, still not valid giftcard/store credit number allowed to start payment which failed


Updated Flow Retail logo

Order item delivery label "Deliveres later from" to "Reserved from"

1.4.0 - 2024-9-23


Show dialog with warning when adding a product to an order that has zero stock

Show delivery status of orders in settled orders search results

Counting helper on open till

Feature to handle order handlings like click and collect

Keyboard shortcut for deleting focused order line in keyboard sale

Denominations shortcuts when entering cash amount in payment dialog

Shortcut to create a return/exchange

Option to update customer info if changing customer address on order (and vice versa)

Set giftcard expiry date

Product filter in warehouse history report

Edit serial number on order items


UI improvements

When amount and quantity fields gets focused the text is selected

Only show "out of stock" warning dialog when adding a product to an order if its enabled in the tenant settings

Improved "Select all" toggle visibility in create delivery modal

In Payment dialog, parameters is now shown above amount field

Remove freight product from order when deleting delivery its linked to

When adding a product that already exists on a purchase order, you now get the option to edit the existing or add a new


Search in seller report could fail when erasing characters

Focus bug when deleting an order item in keyboard mode sale

Unable to change amount during payment after entering giftcard / store credit number

Auto logout did not sign out user in some cases when the app was in the background

Auto logout timer did not reset when tapping or using keyboard in some dialogs

In sale keyboard mode focus was not given to the product search field when order was created by making credit from a settled order

Error when trying to delete a delivery using the delete-button in open sale

Purchase order list were not updated after creating a new purchase order

A successful payment did show as failed if retrieving the order failed

Payment success view could miss focus on complete button

1.3.1 - 2024-8-28


Add/edit discount on a purchase order

Improved focus handling in foreign cash payment input


Could sometimes not send receipt to email more than once right after payment success

CTRL did not activate shortcuts on Windows

Could not print product variant labels in products page

Hide button for sending receivement to email as its not fully implemented yet

Scanning giftcard number during payment did fail on some devices


Added button in multi serial number input dialog which adds the serialnumber in the input with shortcut hint

1.3.0 - 2024-8-23


Improvements to purchase order


When adding a product to a purchase order, the already added count did not update

Scanning giftcard number did fail during payment

Scanning giftcard number during sale did hit Add by the scanner

Close payment dialog did not show warning dialog when in progress

Improved stability for Payex payment terminal connection

Improved error message when payex fails to connect

1.2.0 - 2024-8-16


Button to cancel/delete a settlement in progress (with PayEx) if we could not successfully connect to the PayEx terminal when trying to process the payment

Till closure cashcount helper

Support for selling product variants in keyboard mode

Support for creating a delivery for multiple order items at once in touch mode

Toggle switch to show/hide offers in order search

When running on iOS it will log out if the Tablet is locked


Keyboard and Touch mode now uses same lists on search pages

Keyboard and Touch mode now uses same improved buttons

Keyboard mode now also uses infinite pagination, and search when typing

Dates now shows year if over 9 months ago

Purchase order now has a button for adding/editing note and button for adding products with options to scan, search or paste from spreadsheet


When canceling a settlement in progress and it took a long time, you would sometimes not get the option to force cancel/delete the settlement

Payment display messages (typically coming from a terminal) would show duplicated messages when processing a payment

Customer order history is now only showing orders where the customer is on the order

Creating a delivery failed, if entering a date and then removing it before pressing create

If creating customer from external customer, existing dialog showed update instead of create

Could not tap outside customer edit dialog to close it

Searching for SKU when adding products to purchase order would not return any results, and product variants did not show in results either

1.1.14 - 2024-8-7


Delivery on order item was disabled in most cases

1.1.13 - 2024-8-6


Button in sale that toggles viewing/hiding margin amount and percentage

Order total amount display in sale

User is logged out if the iPad is locked


Verifone card payment did not go directly to processing of payment

Discount amount would have two minus sign prefixes when crediting an order with discount amount on order item(s)

Parked orders count was showing incorrect in some cases

When trying to pay with cash from inside payment dialog AND it was featured, the amount input was reset in the next step

Crediting of an order that was created on another store failed

When opening dropdown with more than 4 items and scrolling is possible, indicate better that there are more items by slightly showing the last visible item

Product type non physical in delivery

Canceling payment would sometimes not work as expected

Products with internal infor where added to order even if the info dialog was canceled

1.1.12 - 2024-8-2


Could not enter amount when selecting cash payment method that had visibility = listed

Scrolling did not work in payment success view in payment dialog

1.1.11 - 2024-8-2


In touch mode, featured payment methods is now shown in order section

Added missing localized strings


Dialog for entering order shipping address where missing required on fields

Beta build now uses a seperate local storage

Giftcard balance check dialog did not inform when card is blocked

Stability improvements in payment dialog

Tried to fetch data after user was signed out that led to exceptions

Cash payment method was not showing when order total was 0 and cash did not have visibility = featured


Made confirm dialog for reset device more destructive

Delivery date is now optional when creating a delivery

1.1.10 - 2024-7-25


Was not possible to settle an order which had a grand total of 0, if the till didn't have cashdrawer

Settled orders dialog from touch mode was sorted by last modified date, not settled date

Was not possible to set order item price to 0 in touch mode

1.1.9 - 2024-6-27


Order items which requires serial number can now be set to quantity -1 to make a manual credit of it


Credit dialog now fetches the order to ensure updated data


Not possible to change amount from select payment method tile if minus order

Only allowed to enter negative amount on payment when minus order

When searching where autosearch, it could happen that last search was not shown if previous was finished while waiting for the last

Creating a credit from a settled order while already an open order failed

An order item which was deliver later(reserved), was switched to now if quantity was changed

Reserved order item requiring serial number on only sale was not asking for serial number when set to deliver now

1.1.8 - 2024-6-21


Unable to set price correct(introduced in 1.1.7)

Setting disocunt and note failed on reserved order item with missing serial number

1.1.7 - 2024-6-21


Proper error-handling when device has no internet connection when starting app or logging in, with ability to retry


When adding a product to an order with serialnumber, the serialnumber was not added correctly

Price with decimals lower than 10 was incorrect, typical 100.07 became 100.7

1.1.6 - 2024-6-20


Order history for a customer is now found in the customer info dialog

Customers uid is now shown in the customer info dialog

From settled order dialog you can now press the customer name to open the customer info dialog

Now checks if Payex setup is needed on login, not only upon app start

Ability to add customer directly in the payment dialog


Mobile payment parameters was not initiated with orders customer phone number

Was not possible to credit an order line that requires serialnumber even when it was only reserved

When delivering an order item, the existing delivery (if existed) was not being used to deliver it

Reduced change for requests being sent during auto logout, which fails due to missing user

In the warehouse history report, the cost price column was using incorrect value from API

When adding an accessory from a product and serialnumber is required, the serialnumber dialog with option to reserve for later is not opened


Removed short description from products in select accessories dialog

Increased width of payment dialog and featured payment methods Pay button

Featured payment methods with amount field on it, now all shows the remaing amount, and when touch mode all the Pay buttons are enabled

Keyboard mode now uses the same improved "settled-order" dialog and "credit-order" dialog as used in touch mode

Now quick sale report shows numbers for the entire store independent of the user's store access

Payment method parameter intputs now also have the label text as hint when empty

1.1.5 - 2024-6-17


Search for orders in all stores in your organization in touch mode

See, print/send/download receipt, print exchange note, make credits on orders from other stores in your organization in touch mode

When starting payment you now have to confirm if any order items is reserved from default warehouse and is missing required serial number

Print giftcard directly from payment success in payment dialog

New field Fixed discount rate on supplier


Balance on giftcard/store credit could have incorrect decimals

When searching where autosearch, it could happen that last search text change was not searched for

Device would reset by itself when refreshing of access token failed. Now only sign the user out if it fails

When adding an external customer you was now allowed to create it without changes


Previous copy to customer button is now splitted to receipt and giftcard

Improved dialog title when create and add from external customer

1.1.4 - 2024-6-11


High CPU usage

1.1.3 - 2024-6-11


Touch mode order item dialog now have option to add insurance if product has insurance add-on

Added button to open the cash drawer on open and close till dialog

Order items with serial number is now showing it


Some textfields did move focus incorrectly when submitt by enter or scan on iPad

Error when adding/removing discount on order item was not shown

Orders ending with amount 0, can now be settled by selecting cash with amount 0

Payment options with amount field in the list did not have max amount when no allowed refund

When Giftcard payment method, max amount was set to it's balance, also when higher than remaining amount and allowcashback was set to false on the payment method

Incorrect alignment of "select from supplier" button in edit purchase order page

Product was not added to order if it was a variant

Auto logout did always follow till setting, despite it was set to follow tenant settings

Fixed that Beta and Production version can be onboarded to different tenants


Now uses touch mode customer search when adding customer from delivery to address in touch mode

User initials for user is now prioritizing display name over first/lastname

User initial circle in touch mode order lists is now using same color as for login

Touch copy / return dialog now only shows the settled date

Parked and Settled is now used for button opening parked or settled orders

When entering address to a customer or a delivery, it will now initiate with the country of the tenant

1.1.2 - 2024-6-5


Send and print giftcard from settled orders where giftcard is sold (requires till to have barcode printer)

Warning dialog when trying to close payment dialog with active payments, previously the close button was hidden


Don't open till cash report dialog when closing till that has no cashdrawer

Exception/error when settlement was completed with store credit

Exception/error when the user canceled customer selection (when the customer was required for payment)

Partial settlements with external payment method could not be deleted

Order item delivery labels when return

Order item delivery labels when nothing to receive or return

Reserved order items with minus quantity was shown as now

Changing warehouse on order item with quantity minus could fail

Rest quantity to deliver on order items was not shown correct if the order item was partial or full credited

If error when creating or updating a delivery to an order, the error was not shown in a banner


When crediting an order and selecting store credit in the payment dialog, skip the store credit number input

Product searchbar in touch mode is now cleared if enter is received by scanner or keyboard

Improved remove settlement icon button in payment dialog

1.1.1 - 2024-5-30


Support for using existing gift card number when adding a gift card to an order

When using payment method store credit, balance is checked


Partial settlement with giftcard failed when balance of giftcard was below total amount of order

Disable order discount button when order does not have items with discount allowed

When adding a delivery to an order item, the order item was no updated with the correct warehouse

Failed settlements was showing no different in the UI than successful settlements when viewing a settled order

CMD shortcuts not working on iPad

Dont show cash withdrawal button on a till that does not have a cashdrawer

Dont show or require cash amount when opening/closing a till that does not have a cashdrawer

Adding customer from payment dialog did not work


External payment methods initiates with amount to 0

Sentry capture of errors in api client

1.1.0 - 2024-5-27


Touch mode for the sale section

Cash withdrawal from till

Customer order history dialog now opens Settled order dialog if an order is selected

View, add, edit and delete shipping and invoice addresses on a customer

Payment with Two Invoice

Option to download order pdf from settled order

Product properties on product info


When auto logout was initialized while the app was minimized the warning banner appeared when the app was restored, and login failed

Don't reset device if list device users fails, but rather show why it failed and let the user continue

Disable hiding of cursor as this breaks touch mode on Windows

Handle empty environment

Loading indicator was not showing when logging in

Insurance popup when adding a product with insurance was showing wierd padding

If adding a product which requires serial number with quantity above 1, it was incorrect added to the order

When changing from delivery to address to delivery now/later, the order item still used the same delivery (to address)

Auto logout warning banner was triggered when app wasn't visible, still not appearing before the app was visible again

In payment dialog, the suggested amount on cash/card was not updated after canceling a settlement

When creating a new delivery, it was not possible to select warehouses from other stores, despite you had reserve access to them


Improve till status display

Improved till status dialog

Improved giftcard check balance dialog

Improved changing the price of an order item

Payment methods in payment dialog is now sorted after its visibility and position

Improved UI of order item delivery now/later

Added error handling with button to reset device if fetching device info fails on app startup (splash screen)

Improved confirm dialogs

Removed order column qty of product

Phone numbers now longer have to be 8 digits


Add products and work (hours) to a service order

Pay for a service order

Service search and filtering

Ability to onboard again if till has been removed from the device

Add auto-logout (120s timer)


Stock information was showing incorrectly when opening product info from products-section

Do not reset device when no access to store in login

Stats was not showing for the store when the users store access was REGULAR


Parameters on an external payment is now shown in a form on a single page

Improve Payex setup/connection


Issue with newly created customer not being added to the sales order

Properly cancel ongoing payments

Wrong shortcut labels in copy/fetch in sale

Payment of an offer failed

Quick totals was showing incorrect data when having multiple stores


Code to better handle PayEx terminal connection problems

Ability to force delete a settlement if something goes wrong

Add note on a sales order

1.0.3 - 2024-3-05


Fixed bug in sales stats when no data is found

1.0.2 - 2024-3-04


Initial production release